How outsourcing recruitment can take your SMME from good to great
When you are running an SMME, you’re part of one of the fastest growing sectors in South Africa – making recruitment outsourcing a valuable tool for finding the right people that fit your company exactly when you need them.
SMMEs face unique challenges in this economy – from surviving economic turmoil to expanding your company operations with limited resources. For these reasons, it’s vital that your SMME has only the best employees that contribute to your business goals rather than drain your resources. These employees won’t just do their job – they’ll be the pillars you rely on to contribute towards your company’s success.
SMMEs often have limited resources, so why should you invest in recruitment outsourcing? Human capital management specialists answer:
- Reduced Recruiting Costs: Recruitment Is An Expensive Process, From Advertising For Positions To The Opportunity Costs Of Waiting For The Right Hire, Spending Time Sifting Through CVs And Conducting Interviews When You Could Be Focusing On Core Business Functions. A Professional Outsourcing Service Will Handle All This On Your Behalf Without Putting Strain On Your Resources.
- High Quality Candidates: Resourcing Service Providers Have Access To The Largest Pools Of Recruits And Know Exactly How To Apply Your Criteria In Order To Find The Right Person For The Job.
- Rapid Response Times: With Vast Resources And Expertise On Hand To Dedicate To Your Search, Recruitment Specialists Have The Staff And Resources To Deliver Rapid Results. If Your Candidate Is Out There, They’ll Have The Ability To Find Him/Her Before They Get Recruited By Your Competitor.
- Increased Business Agility: SMMEs Need To React Rapidly To Evolving Opportunities In Order To Stay Competitive And Prosper. By Getting The Right Candidates For Your Open Position As Rapidly As Possible, Your Company Is Able To Access Expertise And Develop Strategies In The Fastest Possible Time.
With these services, your SMME is enhanced – given the ability to grow quickly without sacrificing the quality of your service or straining your resources. Contact us at Effectiveness Company for expert recruitment outsourcing for your SMME.