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The value of customer service – why your staff need training

The value of customer service – why your staff need training

Customer service is vital to any business that wants to achieve sustained, profitable growth – whether they are in the industry of financial services, retail, telecommunications, pharmaceuticals or even the public sector. What is unusual about customer service is that it is actually an expense for your company – but it is one that brings in a massive ROI when your staff members have comprehensive training from an industry-leading outsourcing/insourcing company.

Effective customer service isn’t just about having welcoming, friendly staff members attending to customers – it’s about having staff that know how to deal with customers, how to solve problems and who have an in-depth knowledge of the organisation they work for and the protocol that they can use. This way, even if a consumer is unhappy with an aspect of your company’s products and services, it can be handled quickly, professionally and leave that customer smiling at the end of the day.

It’s vital that every member of your staff, from cashiers and managers to sales assistants, call centre agents and market researchers are on the same page when it comes to customer service. By each member having the same comprehensive training, you create cohesion amongst your staff, a shared sense of responsibility and the ability to act effectively towards consumer queries. This unites staff members under your brand, makes them proactive and teaches them to take control of situations – empowering them.

When consumers are dealing with a trained, unified staff contingent, it builds a sense of confidence in your brand. By treating them consistently well at every point at which they make contact with your brand, you will achieve levels of loyalty that will drive growth and achieve business goals.

At Effectiveness Company, we will train every level of your staff with industry-leading customer service strategies. Our goal is to empower people to take positive action and deliver customer service excellence, contributing to your brand’s positive image and assisting you in achieving sustainable growth. Contact us today.

4 Ways In-Call Training can improve your Customer Relationship Management

4 Ways In-Call Training can improve your Customer Relationship Management

Your call centre staff members are integral to your Customer Relationship Management (CRM), as they are often the front of line when it comes to managing customer queries as well as administering to vendors, partners and even stakeholders. In-call training from an industry-leading outsourcing company will take your company’s CRM to the next level by implementing proven methodologies and empowering your staff to be proactive in supporting a positive brand image.


  1. Consistently High Standards Of Service. No Matter Who Your Customer Contacts In The Call Centre, You Want Them To Receive The Same High Standard Of Service. This Not Only Prevents Negative Impressions, But It Also Unifies Your Call Centre With The Professional Image Of Your Company, Putting Company Values And Competency Ahead Of Anything Else.
  2. Increase Performance. In-Call Training Creates A Sense Of Teamwork, Accomplishment And Empowerment, Making Your Call Centre A Place Of Positive Competitive Energy Where Each Agent Is Challenged To Succeed And The Whole Team Participates To Support Each Individual.
  3. Close Sales More Effectively, More Often. If Your Call Centre Also Deals With Sales, In-Call Training Will Teach Your Agents How To Close Deals Quickly And Effectively Through A Variety Of Proven Sales Techniques. They Are Also Taught How To Deal With Hesitant Sales
  4. Turn A Negative Situation Into A Positive One. Call Centre Staff Are Often The First People Contacted In The Case Of A Negative Experience Or Query. When They Have Had The Proper Training, They’ll Be Able To Deal With Difficult Or Upset Consumers In An Efficient And Productive Way, Turning A Negative Situation Into A Positive One – And Regaining The Loyalty And Goodwill Of A Valued Consumer.

Effectiveness Company provides comprehensive training for call centre staff in the telecommunications, retail, financial services and public sector industries (amongst others) that will have a positive direct effect on your Customer Relationship ManagementContact us today for more information on in-call training.

4 Ways In-Call Training can improve your Customer Relationship Management

Improve customer service with streamlined processes

The modern consumer market demands an exceptional level of customer service from organisations that has driven innovations in streamlining a wide range of business processes. Industries including telecommunications, retail, financial services and FCMG are benefitting from these innovations as well as the increased, sustainable growth that customer service excellence delivers.


  • Outsourcing. This Solution Only Works When You Partner With A Reputable Outsourcing Company Whose Values Are In Line With Yours And Who Has The Experience To Deliver On Their Promises. Outsourcing Is Not About Replacing Your Current Staff – It’s About Enhancing Your Business Process By Introducing Experienced Individuals Who Can Contribute Positively Towards Your Organisation’s Success On Every Level.
  • Flexible Call Centre Services. Your Company May Need A Call Centre Now Although It Didn’t 3 Months Ago. It May Need A Larger Or Smaller One Next Year. Flexible Call Centre Services Give You Access To Competent, Driven Staff And Technology That Can Change According To Your Needs, Giving Your Business Exceptional Agility Without Having To Directly Manage These Assets.
  • Staff Training. As Customer Service Changes, Your Staff Members Need To Move Forward With It In Order To Meet Consumer Needs. With Comprehensive Staff Training Based On Proven Methodologies And Strategy, Your Staff Will Understand CRM Strategy, How To Implement It And How To Gain The Most From Every Interaction With A Consumer.

Contact Effectiveness Company today and find out more about increasing your customer service with through streamlining your business processes.

4 Ways In-Call Training can improve your Customer Relationship Management

Why positive customer experience is important for your retail brand

Modern consumers have a plethora of choice when it comes to the retail industry – so why should they choose you? That’s where customer experience solutions come into play. They can help you successfully address this challenge through positive customer experience – along with many other aspects of running your business successfully.

As a retail business you have more competitors than almost any other industry, from small boutiques that service niche markets to multinational retailers with massive buying power. At the end of the day, however, your success simply depends on how each customer feels about entering your store. By placing the customer at the centre of your business through leading customer experience solutions, you’re addressing the single most critical factor in your success.


  • Value Service: Retail Is Ultimately A Service Industry – And By Recognising And Addressing This Fact Through Customer Experience Solutions That Train Your Retail Staff To Deal Effectively With Each Customer’s Needs, You’re Building A Critical Foundation. The Way People Feel They Are Treated In A Store Is Still Considered To Be Essential To Business Success – A Challenge That Can Be Overcome Through A Solution That Targets Perceptions Of Unfriendliness, Poor Fulfilment, Lack Of Choice And Inefficiency.
  • Prioritise Product Knowledge: Modern Consumers Can Price, Review And Research Everything About A Product Online In Seconds, So Their Expectations Of Your Staff’s Knowledge – And Their Disappointment In Potential Lack Of Knowledge – Is Critical To A Positive Experience. With Extensive Product Knowledge Training, Your Staff Will Be Able To Answer Any Questions And Make Recommendations That Impress Customers – Creating A Positive Relationship.
  • Listen To The Consumer: When Consumers Know What They Want, You Need To Be Able To Deliver It. Getting Feedback From Your Customers Through Customer Experience Solutions Gives You Valuable Marketing Research That You Can Then Use To Power Online And Print Marketing Campaigns. By Setting Up Your Business As The Go-To Provider Of The Latest Goods, You Build An Invaluable Positive Experience For Your Customer.

Customer experience solutions are about assisting retail organisations to stay in synch with their target market, from knowledgeable front line staff to helpful support from call centres, in order to build the positive experience needed to optimise growth. Effectiveness Company is a leader in customer experience solutions for the retail industry, so visit our website or contact us today and find out how we can help you.